Ingredients (4 servings):
2 tbs sesame oil, divided
1.5 cups organic tofu (extra firm), cut into dominoes
1 tbs ginger, minced
2–3 large garlic cloves, minced
4 cups cabbage, finely shredded
1 red bell pepper, julienned
1 cup carrots, cut into matchsticks
4 scallions, sliced (reserve one scallion for garnish)
2–4 tbs low sodium tamari sauce
1–2 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs water
salt + pepper, to taste
sesame seeds, to garnish
scallions, thinly sliced
soba or konjac noodles (low carb option)
pinch of red pepper flakes, optional
1. Cut the tofu into dominoes and press between paper towels or dish cloth. Heat 1 tbs of oil in a pan, add tofu and cook for 5 – 8 minutes on each side, until lightly golden in color. Season with salt and garlic. Transfer tofu to a small plate.
2. Heat a 14 inch wok or large skillet over medium- high heat, add 1 remaining tablespoon of sesame oil, add garlic, ginger and cook for 1 minute. Add cabbage, red bell pepper, carrots, scallions, tamari sauce, lemon juice and water, stir fry for 5 – 7 minutes, or until cabbage wilts and veggies soften.
3. Add the tofu to the stir fry 2 minutes before done to warm through. Taste for seasoning, adding salt and pepper to taste.
4. Serve with cooked noodles of choice and garnish with sesame seeds and scallions.
材料 (4份):
2 大匙芝麻油, 分開
1.5 杯有機豆腐 (特硬), 切成骨牌
1 大匙薑, 切碎
2–3 個大蒜瓣, 切碎
4 杯高麗菜, 切碎
1 個紅甜椒, 切絲
1 杯胡蘿蔔, 切絲
4 根蔥, 切片 (保留一棵蔥用於裝飾)
2–4 大匙低鈉醬油
1–2 大匙檸檬汁
2 大匙水
鹽+胡椒粉, 適量
芝麻, 裝飾
蔥, 切成薄片
少許紅辣椒片, 可選
1. 將豆腐切成骨牌大小, 然後用紙巾或洗碗布壓緊。在鍋中加熱 1 湯匙油, 加入豆腐, 每面煎 5 至 8 分鐘, 直到顏色呈現淺金黃色。用鹽和大蒜調味。將豆腐轉移到小盤子裡。
2. 以中高火加熱 14 吋炒鍋或大煎鍋, 加入剩餘的 1 湯匙芝麻油, 加入大蒜, 薑, 煮 1 分鐘。加入高麗菜, 紅甜椒, 胡蘿蔔, 蔥, 醬油, 檸檬汁和水, 炒 5 至 7 分鐘, 或直到高麗菜和蔬菜變軟。
3. 出鍋前加入豆腐翻炒2分鐘, 使其熱透。嚐嚐調味, 加入鹽和胡椒調味。
4. 加入您選擇的麵條一起食用, 並飾以芝麻和蔥。