Ingredients (4 servings):
2 cup organic tofu (super firm), cubed
2 cup tempeh, cubed
4 cups combo of snow peas, baby carrots and broccoli florets
1 cup quinoa or cauliflower rice (low carb option)
1 cup water
1/4 cup low sodium teriyaki sauce
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp garlic, minced
1 tbs sesame oil

1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
2. Drain tofu, then cube. Cube the tempeh as well.
3. Bake tofu-tempeh: Place tofu and tempeh in a 9×13 dish, drizzle with 1/4 cup of low sodium teriyaki sauce, 1 tbs of sesame oil, and toss to coat. Bake for 20–25 min. Lower oven to 350°F.
4. Cook quinoa or rice per package directions (20–40 min depending on variety).
5. Steam vegetables using preferred method.
6. In the baking dish, move tofu and tempeh aside, add quinoa or rice, veggies, and most remaining sauce. Toss to combine.
7. Optionally bake at 350°F for 10–15 min to warm through.
8. Portion into bowls, top with remaining sauce. Enjoy!

材料 (4份):
2 杯有機豆腐 (超硬), 切塊
2 杯天貝, 切塊
4 杯荷蘭豆, 小胡蘿蔔和西蘭花的組合
1 杯藜麥或花椰菜米 (低碳水化合物選項)
1 杯水
1/4 杯低鈉照燒醬
1/2 茶匙薑末
1/2 茶匙大蒜, 切碎
1 大匙麻油

1. 將烤箱預熱至 400°F。
2.豆腐瀝乾水分, 切塊。把豆豉也切成方塊。
3. 烤豆腐豆豉:將豆腐和豆豉放入9×13的盤子中,淋上1低鈉照燒醬, 麻油, 切碎的蒜頭, 和薑蓉拌勻。烘烤 20-25 分鐘。將烤箱溫度降至 350°F。
4. 依照包裝說明煮藜麥或米 (20-40 分鐘, 視品種而定)。
6. 在烤盤中, 將豆腐和天貝移到一邊, 加入藜麥或椰菜花飯, 蔬菜和大部分剩餘的醬汁。攪拌混合。
7. 可選擇在 350°F下烘烤 10-15 分鐘以熱透。
8. 盛入碗中,淋上剩餘的醬汁。享受!