I helped my Latina client in managing her blood sugar and lowering her HgbA1c levels by making healthier choices, increasing fiber intake and controling carb portions. We also visited Trader Joe’s together to practice reading label and showed her some healthy options for her. We also went to a Thai restaurant where the family always love to go but stopped going lately due to her high blood sugar. I showed her how she can still eat her favorite food but by controlling the portions while eating lots of veggies. The client’s blood sugar remained normal after the meal. Also, the client owns 2 Salvadoran restaurants, and I did a healthy menu makeover for her. I gave her some recommendations of offering healthier options such as having difference level of sweetness for her juice and replacing MSG and reducing sodium in soups with herbs and spices.

Video Link- https://youtube.com/shorts/N2DBpGlrEUc?si=6TSh1EBUqQmXfNmY